BodyTalk - Putting you back in Control of your Health

Are you struggling with issues such as anxiety, overwhelm, low moods, chronic pain, fatigue, poor digestion or simply feel you have lost some of the joy or your direction in life? If so, please read on, as BodyTalk is a therapy that may just be the key to resolving these issues, and more…!

BodyTalk is a revolutionary form of healthcare which combines principles from many healing modalities, both ancient and new, into an integrated form that works with your own body’s healing mechanisms to bring about lasting improvement in health and well-being.

Our bodies are designed to heal themselves. When we cut our finger our body knows how to heal it and the rest of our body works in the same way. When the parts and systems of our body and mind are synchronised and in communication with each other, healing occurs naturally. However, when those communication links break down due to the stresses of day-to-day life, injury, emotions or trauma, that ability to self-heal becomes compromised. Dealing with busy family lives, loneliness, feeling worried or anxious about things, unhealthy eating patterns, old injuries that continue to bother us, and past experiences that we can’t let go of are all triggers for stress occurring in our bodies. When we are constantly feeling stressed, worried or anxious, our bodies are preparing to flee (the flight/fight response) all the time and are not in growth/healing mode and we can hold on to these emotions in different parts of the body causing them to work and communicate with other body parts less effectively. Often, this results in not just physical pain, but impacts on our well-being; we feel depressed, low or held back in life.

Illness, or lack of well-being, usually has a ‘story’, caused by a combination of physical, emotional and environmental factors. A BodyTalk practitioner can help to identify and release these underlying factors, so that symptoms can resolve, leading to better health and well-being.

The BodyTalk System is a simple, fast and effective way to release stress, chronic and acute conditions, deeply held emotions and limiting belief systems. Having identified the parts of the body and mind involved, BodyTalk practitioners use a variety of non-invasive techniques to re-establish better communication within the body and mind and to re-focus the body’s natural healing response. The techniques provide insights to the areas of the body and mind that need attention and what might seem like an obvious problem to you is not necessarily the one that your body wants to address first.

The best way to find out if BodyTalk can help you is to come and see me for a free taster session where we can discuss your concerns, and I will do a short session and discuss with you what is possible with BodyTalk. So please do get in touch – taster sessions are limited, so don’t delay!

The BodyTalk System was developed in the mid 1990s by Dr. John Veltheim, a chiropractor and acupuncturist, based on his background in Traditional Chinese medicine, Western medicine, applied kinesiology, quantum physics and philosophy. It is a growing health modality, particularly in the Wirral, and is now practised in over 40 countries. More information can be found at and there is an interesting Telegraph article on BodyTalk if you follow this link:

Vanessa Crabtree (Certified BodyTalk Practitioner)         
tel: 07906 138002
[email protected]
About Vanessa:

I discovered the BodyTalk system in 2013 when work related stress caused a severe flare up of the rheumatoid arthritis with which I had been diagnosed since 1995, after many years of well-controlled symptoms. I went for a session not knowing what to expect and was intrigued by the system and then delighted by the changes that followed, with both pain and fatigue improving significantly. I subsequently noticed additional unexpected benefits such as improvements in hayfever and headache symptoms. I also felt a sense of well-being, harmony and purpose that had been lacking in my life for some time. All these improvements helped me get my health back on track and, four years on from my lowest point, where I could barely stand or walk, I cycled from Land's End to John O'Groats!
Despite having had an interesting and enjoyable career as a Chartered Accountant in audit and fund management, I increasingly felt that I needed to step out of an office environment as it was no longer fulfilling. I realised that I had found BodyTalk (or it had found me!) at the perfect time.
I qualified as a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner in June 2015 and am very excited to continue to learn more about this fascinating system whilst helping my clients transform their health, well-being and find balance in their lives.